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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Twist & Curve...

Founded and envisioned in 2013 by Bryan Sullivan and co managed by Tammy Raines-Sullivan of Baltimore.


Their vision is to have a social atmosphere for plus size women and their admirers to feel welcome, beautiful, and accepted. With years of going to clubs, bars, venues and events, the managing members noticed the overshadowing neglect the plus sized community received. Thus, Twist & Curves Baltimore, better known as TCB, was born.

Our Story

TCB represents the housewives, the businesswoman, the schoolteacher, and possibly you. Our lady members are real women from your community, your neighbors, your employees, and maybe even someone in your family. The bottom line is all of these women deserve respect, positive attention, attraction, and a sense of security. With that being said, our goal is to help open local venues to be open minded for meet and greet style events at local bars, clubs, restaurants, and hotels. These functions are designed for fellowship, luxury, and of course enjoyment.


On an average our Meet and Greets house minimally 175 members at a time. TCB collectively as a group has grown from 200 members and now have grow outside the Baltimore Metropolitan area with over 1400 plus members. Our name, even in its short tenure has reached out past the DELMARVA area and we have even begun accepting members from all outside locations, too. 


"Our goal is to have a TCB in all regions, all coastlines, hell all over the world..."

Bryan Sullivan President/COO


In the spring of 2014 Twist & Curves Universe; a division of Twist & Curves Enterprises was organized. This entity was created for those that live outside the lifestyle and fully encourage plus size acceptance. With over a thousand members and growing in the United States; TCU looks to be a world wide phenomenon

Twist & Curves Baltimore’s members and staff uphold the highest etiquette and poise with respect as it represents TCB. Outside our social gatherings TCB also holds various fundraisers for needy children and their families that are less fortunate than others.

In an economy where every dollar counts and every household is suffering; our members donate their time and money outside of their personal life to help benefit others in their time of need.

Both managing members believe in this organization, as they are not just corporate personnel, but very much members themselves. Twist & Curves Baltimore to them is now more than a social group; it has become a way of life.

We leave you with this thought from Marilyn Monroe… It's nice to be included in people's fantasies but you also like to be accepted for your own sake.

Meet The Team

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